Una profesora saca a un alumno sin camiseta para explicar una clase de anatomía pic.twitter.com/1SwZNm0V70
— ceciarmy (@ceciarmy) October 26, 2023
El bulto del alumno en el pantalón… jeje
Una profesora saca a un alumno sin camiseta para explicar una clase de anatomía pic.twitter.com/1SwZNm0V70
— ceciarmy (@ceciarmy) October 26, 2023
El bulto del alumno en el pantalón… jeje
A woman with hypertension presented to the clinic with a 4-day history of abnormal sounds in her ear. On examination, a small spider was seen moving within the external auditory canal of the left ear. The molted exoskeleton of the spider was also present. https://t.co/dye2sbbiL9 pic.twitter.com/SfeNBBGQS8
— NEJM (@NEJM) October 25, 2023
my kind of asmr pic.twitter.com/nc8ME19pKd
— cats being weird little guys (@weirdlilguys) October 26, 2023